1st Place ($200) — Kathy McIntosh – “Solitaire“

Kathy McIntosh writes mysteries with mirth. Her first novel series is set in the wilds of Idaho, her next in Arizona. Kathy used to think writing stories was dreadful, but speakers at AMW meetings taught her that writing short stories can be simple. And fun.
When not writing, reading, or cooking usually yummy and occasionally terrific meals with her patient husband, Kathy enjoys hiking and photography in our amazing Sonoran desert and Sky Islands.
CLICK HERE to download and read this short story.
2nd Place ($100) — Mary Mahan – “Any Other Name”

Mary Mahan writes crime stories, humor, and science fiction. She has been published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and won 3rd place in a Writers’ Digest contest. She lives in Tucson with her husband where they serve as Emotional Support Humans to their two rescue dogs.
CLICK HERE to download and read this short story.
3rd Place ($75) — Eleanor Nelson – “Sisterly Love”

Eleanor Whitney Nelson enjoyed a career as an exploration geologist traveling worldwide with her geologist husband. A longtime Tucson resident, she holds degrees in English and Geology. Ellie now writes full-time. Her short stories, mysteries, memoirs and poems can be read in a variety of anthologies and literary journals, including OASIS Journal, The Story Teller, A Way with Murder and the Chicken Soup for the Soul series (Dog Lover’s Soul, and Loving Our Dogs). She is a longtime member of Arizona Mystery Writers, the Society of Southwestern Authors and St. Philip’s Writers’ Workshop.
CLICK HERE to download and read this short story.
Honorable Mentions
Jacqueline Vick — “Binky’s Boss”
Adam Wohnoutka — “Gutterball”
Marc Severson — “The Saint Goes Missing”