We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Mary Ann Hutchison Memorial Story Contest for Youth 9-17 years of age.
The judges chose the winning mystery stories from a large pool of entries received from around the U.S. and the world.
We congratulate every contest participant. We received many outstanding short stories. The judges were impressed with the talent these young writers exhibited. It took several hours to narrow the field to the top four stories. The judges ended with a tie for third place and only later discovered both stories were written by the same author.
Every contest entrant receives a certificate of participation and comments on their stories from the judges. The top three place winners and their bios and links to the stories are posted below, in our newsletter and on our Facebook page. Honorable mentions are also posted by name. Sign up on the Home page of this website or e-mail membership@arizonamysterywriters.com for a free copy of the AMW newsletter.
Place Winners 14 to 17 year olds

Zoe Christianson 1st Place 14-17 for Zyla, Private Eye
Zoë’s been writing for pretty much her entire life. She loves science, improv acting, eating ice cream, video making, eating more ice cream, and non-competitive rock climbing. She lives in Twin Cities, Minnesota. Right now, she’s fourteen but she’ll probably be fifteen by the time you’re reading this. When she grows up, she plans to be a children’s author.
Judges’ comments on Zoë’s story:
“The story has every single one of the components necessary for an engaging crime mystery. Excellent job.”
“Details are enough to put the reader into the scene/story but not overwhelming, a difficult balance to achieve.”
Zyla, Private Eye: CLICK HERE to read the story

Isabella Oh 2nd Place 14-17 for Joy Lovette
Isabella Oh is a teenage writer living in Washington, DC, who helps run her school's literary magazine, the Pen. Her work has been recognized by the New York Times and Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. In her free time, she likes listening to music, reading, and playing with her dog, Sam.
Judges’ comments on Isabella’s story:
“The setting is described well so that the reader can clearly visualize the characters in the interrogation room. There were some excellent details that expressed the emotional atmosphere...”
“Excellent story! The pacing is good... The ending stopped just short of letting us know what was going on. Well done.”
Joy Lovette: CLICK HERE to read the story

Tisya Verma 3rd Place 14-17 for The English Ivy
Tisya Verma is a rising sophomore at Elkins High School in Texas. She is passionate about biology, technology, and advocacy. She hopes to continue using her interests to advocate for public health needs. In her free time, she enjoys working on her creative writing skills and reading mystery novels.
Judges’ comments on Tisya’s story:
“This was a perfect-length short story. There was a beginning, middle, and ending, and the ending finished right after the climax, which is great...Perfect ending! No more words are necessary.”
I really liked the idea of the story, deadly books. Fun and imaginative...Clever ending.”
The English Ivy: CLICK HERE to read the story
Honorable Mentions 14- to 17-year-olds (in no particular order): |
Tyler Smith | The Dishonorable Royals |
Alexis Duncan | T-Rex |
Jeremy Choi | A New Chapter |
Sophia Perkins | Beast of the East |
Hannah Rouse | I Didn't Push Her, But I Wish I Did |
Katrina Johnston | The Marshes |
Lauren Kawamoto | A Deep Discussion |
Evert Raines | The Doctor |
Place Winners 9 to 13 year olds

Emilia Ramos 1st Place 9-13 for The Souls of Clarkson’s Asylum
Emilia Ramos is among the world's youngest authors, having published her debut novel, Crown of Scales and Wonder, when she was ten years old. Its sequel, Thieves of Time Forgotten, will be released in the summer of 2024. She is also the 1st place winner of the LaPlume Young Writers Contest and an accomplished performer. Her short stories Maiden of a Broken World and Lady of Sand and Scars have been published in anthologies, one of which has a foreword by Eragon author Christopher Paolini. She lives in Florida.
Judge’s comments about Emilia’s story:
“Good use of language/vocabulary – ‘tiny stature,’ ‘murky green lawn,’ ‘hair gelled back,’ ‘shirts ironed and pressed,’ ‘irascible personality,’ ‘beauty almost completely masked her madness.”
“Wonderful line: ‘A brick building trademarked by the scent of longing, of remembrance.’”
The Souls of Clarkson’s Asylum: CLICK HERE to read the story

Bailey Nam 2nd Place 9-13 for A Case of a Missing Baker
Bailey Nam is a rising 6th grader at Autrey Mill MS in Georgia. She plays competitive golf and when she’s not on the golf course, she enjoys reading and playing with her very cute dog Tango in her free time.
Judges’ comments Bailey’s story:
“Straightforward missing person mystery with uplifting ending. Good use of sight, sound, and touch.”
“Best of the stories I read.”
A Case of a Missing Baker: CLICK HERE to read the story

Olivia Koerperick 3rd Place 9-13 for Mark of the Golden Sun
No bio available. Olivia lives in Arizona.
Judges’ comments Olivia’s story:
“I enjoyed the story because it had a fast-moving plot and a sympathetic main character. The author brought in bigger issues....that gave the story added depth beyond a personal issue.”
“This [story] is very good. I could see a whole series based on the Mark of the Golden Sun. Keep working on it!”
Mark of the Golden Sun: CLICK HERE to read the story
Honorable Mentions 9- to 13-year-olds (in no particular order): |
Zimeng Kang | The Lost Crystal |
Angela Quintanilla | Disappearance of Professor Winston |
Mekha Deepak | A Sister's Love |
Emma Ramsey | Interstellar Stealings |
Yishan Liu | Vengeance in the Wine |
Ishika Bhagavathula | Prison Break |
Siaansh Bhadauria | Hacked |
Landry Dobbs | The Murder at the Cabin |
Journey Gayle | Her Fragrance |