Where To Find Us!
We meet the second Saturday of the month (with a couple of exceptions*) at 10:00 am in northwest Tucson. We meet on the third floor, Room 325, in the L Offices complex, at 1840 E. River Road, at the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and River Road. There's plenty of parking, ADA accessibility, and an elevator. Check out the map and image below to find us.
Meetings last about two hours. We offer coffee and cookies, and there are several restaurants nearby, should you choose to lunch after the meeting. To offset the room rental, we charge a $15 meeting fee per person, and $10 (a $5 discount) for AMW members. Check out the Members tab to find other benefits of membership.
Meetings are also available via live Zoom, and recorded for future access through Vimeo. The links for accessing these are included in the monthly newsletter, so be sure to sign up for it.
*The exceptions are in December, when we have a Holiday Social Gathering/Potluck in a Tucson park, and in March, when we have a booth at the Festival of Books. Watch our newsletter for the latest information on these special events.