April., 2021 Mystery Writers Meeting
Saturday, April 10th, 10am MST
Write What You Know—Even if it’s Murder?
Local author Alice Hatcher is a literary writer with a novel and many published stories to her credit. She had trouble placing her literary story, so she sent it to “Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine,” and what happened next was surprising. She’ll tell us what she learned from the experience. Maybe “write what you know” isn’t bad advice regardless of the differences between literary and mystery genres.
Alice Hatcher is the author of “The Wonder That Was Ours” (Dzanc Books, 2018), which was long-listed for the Center for Fiction’s First Novel Award. A former academic historian who traded footnotes for fiction, she has published short stories and essays in numerous literary journals, including Alaska Quarterly Review, The Masters Review, Fourth Genre, and The Beloit Fiction Journal. She lives in Tucson, where she is working on her second novel with support from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. Visit her at www.alice-hatcher.com.
Alice will be ready for all your writing questions. Join the conversation!
The zoom link for Saturday the 10th is in our Newsletter. Sign up for it!
Topic: AMW Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 10, 2021 10:00 AM Arizona Time (MST)
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Are you yearning for a good old-fashioned, live writer’s conference this summer?
Killer Nashville’s 15th Annual Writers’ Conference takes place in Franklin, Tennessee, August 19th through 22nd. Guests of honors at the in-person event (with safety protocols) are bestselling authors Walter Mosley, Lisa Black, and J.T. Ellison. Learn, network, meet agents & editors, and mingle with forensic experts! Early bird pricing through April 30th. Visit www.killernashville.com.