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Tony Ivins


G.A. (“Tony”) Ivins conveys his upside-down sense of humor through stories and short novels whose twist endings reveal the absurdity of human existence. Natural processes prevail. Emotions are frequently misleading. Self-satisfaction is severely punished.
Ivins’ experiences include working as a common laborer while in high school, earning undergraduate and graduate degrees, cranking down the jammed landing gear of a light plane, teaching high school English for thirty-eight years and acting as an instructor at the Arizona State Prison. Ivins lives in Casa Grande, AZ, with his wife Barbara and an incorrigible cat named Buster.

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cover_ivins_11-resizedDark Comedies to Brighten Your Mood

Intrigues Among Us

Intrigues Among Us puts the reader in a front row seat for the birth of absurd, dark comedy. The collection of stories traces the backstories of folly. In “Arrangement 86,” a psychiatrist thinks he has figured out life’s patterns only to be destroyed by his own murder plot. In another tale, an abused wife turns the tables on her husband. A third story features a woman who dreams of an adventurous life but finds a bittersweet answer to replace her repressed fantasies. In a final narrative, two secret agents gain insights that go beyond their death-defying assignments….Intrigues Among Us comes off as a strangely uplifting collection of stories, unveiling hidden truths that can only be defined as Intrigues.

bt-choice-resizedThe Homicidal Detective

The Homicidal Detective mirrors the everyday lives of those individuals haunted by undeserved memories. The book investigates the realm of strange perceptions and of misconceptions. Can we discern between our friends and enemies? Are our nightmares justified? We question the whole truth of our existence. These enigmas define the life of Edwin Morgan, a private detective with an affinity for murder.

Edwin accidentally kills his client, a well-known Memphis tycoon named Tom Lange. Edwin’s love affair with the mogul’s wife complicates matters, but the police lack sufficient evidence to charge the young detective. Edwin leaves town, and during his exile manages to solve two other cases. By the end of the novel, Edwin pulls things together and discovers his part in Tom Lange’s death. The narrative relates Edwin’s intellectual journey from callow youth to perceptive adult.