Kathy McIntosh is addicted—to words. She loves the way words sound and the way they look on a page. In addition to creating offbeat adventures for the zany characters in her novels, she writes and speaks about words and writing.
A native Californian who wound up spending thirty years plus in Idaho, Kathy transplanted from Idaho to Tucson, gleefully abandoning her long johns and snow shovel. She shares space with a hairy dog known as the neighborhood Welcome Waggin' and her husband.
Kathy’s first two novels in the Havoc in Hancock humorous suspense series take place in North Idaho, territory famous for its kooky citizens. Her third novel starts a new series about an eco-tour company, Adventure Calls Mysteries.
More about Kathy, her writing, and a chance to sign up for her very occasional newsletter, are at www.kathymcintosh.com.

Threats can't stop this spirited sleuth from finding a killer!
Arizona’s Red Rock country beckons, and tour guide Madrone Hunter’s ready for a relaxing week in Cottonwood after a tough tour guiding and cooking for finicky clients. Her plans—explore scenic small town Cottonwood, AZ—fall flat as a bad soufflé when she finds her most finicky, elderly client of all, murdered. Since Madrone discovers the body of her cranky customer, one who planned to sue Madrone’s employer, she becomes the chief suspect.
Chef Madrone prefers sifting flour to sifting through secrets but vows to find the killer. She uncovers plenty of secrets among the many folks her client enraged and faces betrayal and danger—but several great meals—as she struggles to discover who wanted her client silenced. Before she herself is silenced.

In Murder, Sonoran Style, a too-close encounter with murder turns a tour guide into a gumshoe. Gabe Ramsay left his position as a science professor under a shadow, one he swore to keep secret. He escapes to become co-owner of Adventure Calls, an eco-touring company. During a survival test for Gabe and five new guides, he finds the body of the landowner—a hated developer. Only the day before, Gabe had lost his cool and clocked the guy, in front of witnesses.
Helped by Madrone, the tour company's enchanting and outspoken chef, Gabe must discover which of the new guides—or his partner—might be a murderer. All had reason to despise the dead man. Can Gabe find the killer before death again stalks the Sonoran desert?

Foul Wind, the second in the Havoc in Hancock series, was released in October, 2015. The wind from the new wind farm outside Hancock is blowing bad: blackmail, murder, and eau de hog. Then eco-activist Feather Sullivan's sister disappears. Feather and her mother, often at odds, endure hungry hogs and sinister strangers to sniff out the murderer and root out the financial shenanigans at the wind farm.

Mustard’s Last Stand, the first in the Havoc in Hancock humorous suspense series, has been compared to the witty but weird works of Carl Hiaasen. Ed Mustard heeds his brother's call for help—from jail—and heads home to Hancock, Idaho. Hauling the ashes of his dead ex-wife, Ed joins his brother Roadkill and a band of fiery pregnant women to fight a safari camp in the North Idaho woods.
All four books are available on Amazon. Murder, Sonoran Style can be purchased in Tucson from Antigone Books and Mostly Books. Kathy's Amazon author page is amazon.com/author/kathymcintosh.