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January Meeting: How to Stare Down the Blank Screen

Jan., 2021 AMW Meeting

Saturday, January 9th, 10am MST

Pantsers Vs Plotters!

How do you start writing a novel or story?  Do you start writing from an idea not knowing where you will go?  If so you are a “Pantser,” someone who writes from the seat of the pants. Or maybe have an outline to start that has the plot and the character details and especially, the ending, sketched out.  If so, you are a “Plotter.”

Pantsers and Plotters do not understand how the other camp manages. For each, the other method seems preposterous.  Steven King, in his well-known book, “On Writing,” advocates being a pantser.  Others, such as Larry Brooks (“Story Engineering”) advocate outlines.

How do you start writing when you are facing that dreaded blank page or white screen?  What are the advantages each method?  What are the pitfalls?  Do you know your ending before you start? Join a lively discussion.

The Zoom link for the meeting is in the newsletter. If you want to be added to the newsletter list, send your name and email to See you at the meeting!

New Board Members

We are delighted to announce new board members:

Mike Henry is working with Kay Lesch to learn the ropes of being the workshop chair.  That’s the position that finds and brings us interesting writers, storytellers, and other writing-craft experts.

Janet Hopkins is apprenticing with Mary Mahan to divine the secrets of the Contest Coordinator.

Kathy McIntosh is consulting with Gail Gibbs about how to take over the Membership Chair, keeping the list and checking it twice.

Al Petrillo will take over as Secretary, keeping the meeting minutes and archiving the club’s official documents.

Many blessings to these intrepid souls. The whole club depends on those who stand up to serve!

Meanwhile, Jane Rodda, who had been acting secretary, will take on the duties of Treasurer from Gail, who has served in that role for over five years. We owe Gail a big thank-you for keeping us solvent.  And a big thanks to Jane,  who also will continue as our Tucson Festival of Books Coordinator.

While we’re thanking those who serve, let’s give a thanks to Rhema Sayers, who has been running the highly successful Children’s Story Contest. She’ll eventually hand off that process to Janet.

And thanks to all our continuing board members.  Hun-Seng Chao will continue jockeying our communications equipment and managing the Facebook page. Kay will continue recruiting for the workshops until Mike is ready. Gail will continue managing the Meetup page until we figure out what to do with that.  We still don’t have a proper webmaster for our web site or a Publicity person to write our newsletter.  Don’t be shy if you have the urge to serve!


AMW member Laurie Fagin has launched an exciting YouTube Channel called AZ-Creates.  It’s all
about creative folks in Arizona, and WE are included. Laurie generously gives a free plug to Arizona Mystery Writers in Episode Six.  See it at

The Call-out for AMW Starts at about 25:00, but the rest of the show is good, too! Watch it all and give Laurie’s site a “like.”  And maybe subscribe, too!  Thanks, Laurie.


Don’t forget, your dues are due.  Support your club!  Send your $25 check to

Arizona Mystery Writers
PO Box 31992
Tucson, AZ 85715-9998

Soon we will have a link for electronic payment of dues, but we’re not quite there yet.  If you paid your dues in the last quarter of 2020, they will be credited to 2021.  Check with if you’re not sure.