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Meeting reminder and new links!

Just a reminder to RSVP for this week’s meeting if you haven’t yet! Don’t miss our speaker from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, and workshop on doing a book signing. RSVP by 9:30 am Wednesday. Details here:

I’ve got a mixed bag of links for you today:

What an author should have on their website.

The introvert’s guide to selling books at a convention. While this is fantasy-oriented (talking about DragonCon), the principles are the same for any type of book and venues like the Tucson Festival of Books, or Left Coast Crime (which will be in Phoenix in 2016).

For Master Thieves, Legos Are the New Uncut Diamonds. A slight exaggeration, but Legos being both untraceable and collectible has made their theft a lucrative business.

Human skull donated to Austin Goodwill store. And that was after three skulls were donated to a Bellevue, WA store. Just in case you needed an interesting way for your story’s body to be discovered….

Hope to see you all on Saturday!