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October Meeting: Publishing Expert and Mystery Speaker

We’ll hear from speaker Anne Gunn, founder of Tally Systems, a bootstrap-funded software company now owned by Novell. Anne has started a new software products company,  Sheridan Programmers Guild, that publishes apps, websites, and e-books. Her talk is, “A Primer for On-Line Publishing: E-book Production for the Self-Published Author.”  She’ll survey approaches to producing content and platform for the markets you need to reach, and answer your technical how-to questions.

There are three new and delicious choices on the lunch menu. RSVP by 9 am on October 9th.

After lunch, we have a mysterious special agent from one of those 3-letter federal agencies, and again, since the speaker sometimes works undercover, we are not allowed to reveal the speaker’s name or even breathe the name of the agency!  But hey, we know the drill. In fact, our speaker is so busy catching bad guys, he couldn’t get away to talk to us until after lunch, so that’s why we have the craft of writing talk first this month. You’ll want to stay, because we expect a very stimulating talk with plenty of Q&A. You won’t want to miss this one.

Join us, the second Saturday of every month, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Lunch is $20 for non-members and walk-ins; $16 for RSVP’d members. $10 for one session, morning or afternoon, no lunch. Make your reservation by 9 am Wednesday before the meeting, by clicking the RSVP button near the top of this page.  Or you can or call Gail Gibbs, Membership Chair, at 575-313-2837. See you there!